Basement Waterproofing

Basement Waterproofing

Basement & Foundation Waterproofing in Joplin MO

Basements and foundations are particularly vulnerable to damage from water pooling.

When water pools up in low-lying areas against your basement and foundation, it tends to seep in and create more cracks. Although our first line of defense is always to divert water away from the structures on your property, we also waterproof your home’s basement or foundation by digging down and installing a layer of polyethylene waterproofing membrane.

We Repair Basement & Foundation

Water Damage

In areas where water has already penetrated your foundation or basement, patching and restoring the concrete work is often necessary. At Ground Up Services, we do this with hydraulic cement, mortar, and/or primer. By first patching your foundation and then sealing it with polyethylene membrane, we can make certain your home will be safe from water damage.

French Drain Installation

french drain installation

French Drain Installation

To control the flow of water over an entire property, we often use berms, swales, and ditches. However, near buildings and in smaller areas, these sorts of significant land regrading are not always practical. In these situations, we install French drains. A French drain is a small buried trench with gravel and a perforated pipe that drains water from lowing lying areas inconspicuously. French drains are elegant, practical, and often the perfect solution to standing water build-up near your basement or other low-lying areas.